Friday, January 3, 2014


This is the course blog for History 151: Colonial Era to the Civil War for Spring 2014 at Hunter College, with instructor Mariel Isaacson, sections 003 (T/F 8:10 am-9:25 am) and 005 (T/F 9:45 am-11 am).

The required books for the course are :

Eric Foner's Give Me Liberty! An American History, Volume 1 and 

Eric Foner's Voices of Freedom: A Documentary History, Volume 1

Both new and used copies of the books will be available at Shakespeare and Company, located at 939 Lexington Avenue. You may also purchase ebooks through the publisher. Please have your books by the first day of class.

I'll look forward to meeting you on the first day of class, Tuesday, January 28. Enjoy your break!

-Mariel Isaacson