Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Response essay

Using documents and images from Chapter 6 on StudySpace and Chapter 6: The Revolution Within from your Give Me Liberty textbook, answer the following question with an essay: 

In what ways did the American Revolution fundamentally change American society? 

Upload your essay to www.turnitin.com under the “Response Essay” assignment before 11:59 PM on Friday, October 24. 
  • Class ID: 8495390
  • Password: History
Your essay must meet the following requirements: 

  • contains a clear, strong thesis statement that answers the question and outlines the body of the essay in the introductory paragraph
  • uses examples ONLY from the StudySpace documents and images, or the textbook. 
  • uses examples that support each section of the essay
  • provides analysis for examples that demonstrates how each example proves the main point of the essay
  • organized logically and includes an introduction, three body sections and a conclusion
  • written in clear, formal language
  • all references to sources (documents, images and textbook) must be cited, and quotations must have appropriate punctuation. References without appropriate citations may constitute plagiarism and will be considered individually. The use of non-approved sources will result in automatic failure of the assignment.
  • submit your essay before the deadline; late essays will be reduced by one letter grade for every day they are late. No late submissions will be accepted after Friday, October 31.  
We will discuss strategies for this assignment in class on Tuesday, October 21. We will not meet on Friday, October 24. I will be available to answer questions via email.

ETA- Please double space your essay.


  1. Turnitin will not allow me to log into my account do to the fact that it is down. I do not know what to do at this point can you reply to me or email please and thank you.

  2. Yes turnitin says it is down for some reason. I cannot log in, I'm going to email her.

  3. is it possible to email her since turnitin is down?

  4. Ive been trying to submit my essay and it wont let me because turn it in is down.

  5. Guys! It was like this all day since the morning. I have tried to turn mine in since about 10 30 pm !!! Every time I happen to go on, it goes down

  6. It's back up and working !

  7. I've had the same problem! It only allowed me to submit it a couple of minutes ago



Stay on topic. Your comment should engage with original post or respond to a previous comment

Provide evidence to support your point. Debate/conversation is encouraged, but if you wish to present a convincing argument you will have to support your claim. Make sure that the information you present can be verified and if you refer to an online source provide the link.

Use reputable sources. There is a lot of information available on the internet, but not all of it is trustworthy. Be certain that you can identify the author/creator, whether or not it is a commercial site, the bias of the site and/or its sponsors for any links you provide. Posts that contain links to or information from disreputable sources will be deleted and will not satisfy the assignment requirements.

Use your own words. If you wish to refer to an outside source, provide a link or citation information. Using someone else’s words as your own, or reposting material without identifying the original source/creator constitutes plagiarism.